Download night slashers steam
Download night slashers steam

download night slashers steam

  • Battle through a variety of detailed environments - clash in the city streets, rumble in the graveyard, do some clobberin’ in a castle, and more!.
  • Slam bad guys into the ground and kick at their exposed heads for massive damage.
  • Unleash combos, aerial attacks, and special moves on your enemies and watch the gore fly with each devastating impact.
  • Take on the paranormal menace as metal-armed cyborg Jake, Christopher the vampire hunter, or talented martial artist Hong Hua.
  • download night slashers steam

    The full moon is rising - time to show these abominations what a nightmare really looks like!

    download night slashers steam

    You control one of three fighters whose sole objective is to deliver the beatdown to throngs of classic horror monsters. Punch, kick, and slam your way through werewolves, mummies, vampires, and even Death himself to eradicate the marauding monstrosities! Take on hordes of frightful foes in this horror-themed beat ‘em up arcade brawler from Data East™. Monsters, mutants, and the walking dead have taken over! Now it’s up to three fearless brawlers from around the globe to unite and do battle against the horrific forces run amok. Free Download – Full Version – CRACKED GAMEs – Direct Links Retro Classix Night Slashers PC Download

    Download night slashers steam